40th Anniversary Campaign

40th year Flipbook

Giving Opportunities

Student Bar Association (SBA) Scholarship Fund

Description: A restricted scholarship fund – available interest income from the fund to be awarded each year to one or more members of the SBA Executive Board in that year.
Gift Amount; Minimum donation of $1,000

Law Review Scholarship Fund
Description: A restricted scholarship fund – available interest income from the fund to be awarded each year to one or more members of the Law Review Executive Board in that year.
Gift Amount; Minimum donation of $1,000

Moot Court Scholarship Fund
Description: A restricted scholarship fund – available interest income from the fund to be awarded each year to one or more members of the Moot Court Board in that year.
Gift Amount; Minimum donation of $1,000

Trial Team Travel Fund
Description: A restricted fund – available interest income from the fund to underwrite expenses for competition travel or other competition needs.
Gift Amount; Minimum donation of $1,000

LEAP Scholarship Fund
Description: A restricted scholarship fund – available interest income from the fund to be awarded each year to current LEAP students on a competitive basis – criteria will include strong academics and financial need. Amount of award to vary each year based on interest income from the fund and the number of qualified students who apply.
Gift Amount; Minimum donation of $1,000

Women Empowerment in Law Scholarship Fund
Description: A restricted scholarship fund – available interest income from the fund to be awarded each year to outstanding, underrepresent candidates on a competitive basis – criteria would include strong academics, leadership qualities and financial need. Amount of awards to vary each year based on interest income from the fund and the number of qualified students who apply.
Gift Amount; Minimum donation of $10,000 – Multi-year pledges are available.

Individual Student Organization Funds
General Description: A restricted fund; income donated to the fund to be awarded by donor designation to active and recognized student organizations to underwrite expenses associated with improving the quality of student life. Gifts are by donor designation and restricted to the student organization of the donor’s choice.
Gift Amount; Minimum donation of $400

The Fund for Tomorrow
Description: : The Fund for Tomorrow is a new scholarship fund that supports our goal of creating a diverse student body including minority students, women, first-generation students, and other groups underrepresented in our profession. The Fund supports the College’s goal of creating a diverse student body including minority students, women, first-generation students, and other groups underrepresented in our profession. Award criteria will include strong academics, leadership qualities, and financial need.
Gift Amount:
• Partner – Minimum donation of $4,000
• Associate – Minimum donation of $400
• Fellow – Minimum donation of $40

Donor Directed 40th Anniversary Fund for Graduates of the Last Decade (G.O.L.D.)
Description: Income from the fund will be directed to the fund of the Donor’s choice. Only available to graduates of the last decade (2010-2020).
Gift Amount: No minimum donation

Named Scholarships
Description: In the last eight years, Touro Law has secured more than 60 named scholarships that are reflective of the interests of their donors. Criteria for these scholarships include diversity and inclusion, specific legal practice interests, (i.e. health law, business law, and real estate law) need based scholarships awarded to students for whom the funds are critical to their ability to remain in school, and academic scholarships. Individual discussions with donors regarding their goals for the donation are a part of the gifting process.
Gift Amount: Each Named Scholarship is a minimum of $25,000 – Multi-year pledges are available.

40th Anniversary Legacy Society
General Description: In honor and recognition of our 40th Anniversary, the Law School has launched a 40th Anniversary Legacy Society. The purpose of the Society is to help ensure the sustainability of the Law School far into the future. Throughout the coming year we hope to connect with prospective legacy donors to discuss a variety of planned giving vehicles that may help them to realize their long lasting philanthropic intent.
Ways to make a legacy gift:
• Bequests
• Insurance plans
• Planned giving trusts

Touro Law Center is exempt from federal income taxes under Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Therefore, your gift is tax-deductible to the full extent provided by law. 

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