Sept/Oct 2020


Rodger D. Citron, A Half Century After Its Publication, What Can “The Greening of America” Tell Us About the United States Today?, VERDICT: JUSTIA (Sept. 25, 2020).

Rodger D. Citron, Here We Go Again: The Supreme Court Considers Whether to Further Narrow the Law of Personal Jurisdiction, VERDICT: JUSTIA (Oct. 6, 2020).

Ilene S. Cooper, As Fall Begins, Looking Back at Cases, N.Y.L.J. (Oct. 5, 2020).

Laura Dooley, Here We Go Again: The Supreme Court Considers Whether to Further Narrow the Law of Personal Jurisdiction, VERDICT: JUSTIA (Oct. 6, 2020).

Samuel J. Levine, Hands-Off Religion in the Early Months of COVID-19, TALK ABOUT: LAW AND RELIGION & CANOPY FORUM BLOGS (Oct. 2, 2020).

Deseriee A. Kennedy, N.Y. MATRIMONIAL PRACTICE (2020–2021 ed.).

Michael Lewyn, Are Pedestrians Moving to Danger?, PLANETIZEN (Oct. 20, 2020).

Michael Lewyn, An Excellent New Book: Right of Way, PLANETIZEN (Oct. 5, 2020).

Michael Lewyn, Which Cities Are Becoming More Violent?, PLANETIZEN (Sept. 14, 2020).

Michael Lewyn, The Trouble With Equity, PLANETIZEN (Aug. 19, 2020).

Michael Lewyn, Review: Neighborhood Defenders, PLANETIZEN (Aug. 3, 2020).

Michael Lewyn, Survey: New Yorkers like Manhattan, the Subway and More Housing, MARKET URBANISM (Sept. 2, 2020).

Sharon Pocock, Improving Writing through Thoughtful Editing, SUFFOLK LAWYER (Sept. 2020).

Sharon Pocock, Being an Online Moot Court Judge, SUFFOLK LAWYER (Oct. 2020).

Sharon Pocock, How Individuals’ Narratives Can Communicate What Legal Theory and Statistics Can’t, Book Review: Broke: Hardship and Resilience in a City of Broken Promises (St. Martin’s Press 2019), 17 Legal Comm. & Rhetoric: JALWD (Fall 2020).

Danielle I. Schwager, N.Y. MATRIMONIAL PRACTICE (2020–2021 ed.).

Sol Wachtler, COVID Winter is Coming, TIMES UNION (Sept. 12, 2020).

Sol Wachtler, Election Procedures: New York Should Lead the Way, N.Y.L.J. (Sept. 30, 2020).


Hal Abramson, presenter, New Singapore Convention on Cross-Border Mediated Settlements: Key Choices, Webinar and Online Book Launch: Mediation in International Investment Disputes (Oct. 22, 2020).

Rodger D. Citron, moderator, The Life & Legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Touro Law Center (Oct. 1, 2020).

Laura Dooley, panelist, The Life & Legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Touro Law Center (Oct. 1, 2020).

Tiffany Graham, panelist, The Life & Legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Touro Law Center (Oct. 1, 2020).

Howard Glickstein, panelist, The Life & Legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Touro Law Center (Oct. 1, 2020).

Eileen Kaufman, panelist, The Life & Legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Touro Law Center (Oct. 1, 2020).

Deseriee A. Kennedy, panelist, The Life & Legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Touro Law Center (Oct. 1, 2020).

Samuel J. Levine, organizer, Jewish Law in Comparative Context Virtual Conference, Jewish Law Institute, Touro Law Center (Sept. 14, 2020).

Samuel J. Levine, presenter, Law, Religion, and Coronavirus in the United States: A Six-Month Assessment, Blog Webinar, Co-organized by: International Center for Law and Religion Studies, Brigham Young University; Law School Center for the Study of Law and Religion, Emory University Law School; Notre Dame Program on Church, State & Society, Notre Dame Law School Center for Law and Religion; St. Johns University School of Law; and Eleanor H. McCullen Center for Law, Religion and Public Policy, Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law (Oct. 1, 2020).

Samuel J. Levine, presenter, Was the Biblical Joseph on the Spectrum?, Berkeley Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies (Oct. 21. 2020).

John Linarelli, presenter, A Cognitive Turn for International Law: Implications for Understanding Global Justice, American Society of International Law Mid-Year Meeting (Oct. 30, 2020).

Jeffrey Morris, panelist, The Life & Legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Touro Law Center (Oct. 1, 2020).

Tracy L. M. Norton, presenter, Online Tools for Legal Education, AALS Associate Deans Panel (June 2020).

Tracy L. M. Norton, Mentoring Panel, Legal Writing Institute's Virtual Biennial Conference (Sept. 18, 2020).

Marjorie Silver, presenter, Emerging Legal Paradigms, New York City Bar Association (Sept. 30, 2020).

Sol Wachtler, Law as It Impacts the Citizen, Long Island Metro Business Action meeting (Sept. 4, 2020).

Awards & Appointments:

Patricia E. Salkin, was appointed to be a member of the Sustainable Development Code’s Advisory Committee (Sept. 2020).


Elena B. Langan, was quoted in, Joan Gralla, Justice Recalled as Fighter for the Underdog, NEWSDAY (Sept. 20, 2020).

Patricia E. Salkin, was quoted in, Carey L. Biron, Cannabis Boom Squeezes Farms, OTTAWA CITIZEN (Sept. 14, 2020).

Patricia E. Salkin, was quoted in, Karen Sloan, District of Columbia Adopts Diploma Privilege in Bar Exam's 11th Hour, N.Y.L.J. (Sept. 25, 2020).

Patricia E. Salkin, was quoted in, Karen Sloan, First Day of National Online Bar Exam Goes Off-With Some Hitches, N.Y.L.J. (Oct. 5, 2020).


Harold Abramson, Crossing Borders into New Ethical Territory: Ethical Challenges When Mediating Cross-Culturally, 49 S. TEX. L. REV. 921 (2008); Harold Abramson, Selecting Mediators and Representing Clients in Cross-Cultural Disputes, 7 CARDOZO J. CONFLICT RESOL. 253 (2006); Harold I. Abramson (with Carrie Menkel-Meadow), MEDIATING MULTICULTURALLY: CULTURE AND THE ETHICAL MEDIATOR, IN MEDIATION ETHICS: CASES & COMMENTARIES (Ellen Waldman ed., 2011); and Harold Abramson, Outward Bound to Other Cultures: Seven Guidelines for U.S. Dispute Resolution Trainers, 9 PEPP. DISP. RESOL. L.J. 437 (2009), were cited in, Mariana Hernandez Crespo Gonstead, A New Dance on the Global Stage: Introducing A Cultural Value-Based Toolbox to Optimize Problem-Solving, Innovation, and Growth, 34 OHIO ST. J. ON DISP. RESOL. 675 (2019).

Hal Abramson, Fashioning an Effective Negotiation Style: Choosing Between Good Practices, Tactics, and Tricks, 23 HARV. NEGOTIATION L. REV. 320 (2018), was cited in, Bibliography Issue, Articles, 34 OHIO ST. J. ON DISP. RESOL. 603 (2019).

Harold Abramson, Outward Bound to Other Cultures: Seven Guidelines for U.S. Dispute Resolution Trainers, 9 PEPP. DISP. RESOL. L.J. 437 (2009), was cited in, Yael Efron et. al., Like A Prayer? Applying Conflicts with Religious Dimensions Theory to the "Muezzin Law" Conflict, 63 WASH. U. J.L. & POL'Y 119 (2020).

Laura Gaston Dooley, Our Juries, Our Selves: The Power, Perception, and Politics of the Civil Jury, 80 CORNELL L. REV. 325 (1995), was cited in, Justin Weinstein-Tull, The Structures of Local Courts, 106 VA. L. REV. 1031 (2020).

Richard Klein, Due Process Denied: Judicial Coercion in the Plea Bargaining Process, 32 HOFSTRA L. REV. 1349 (2004), was cited in, Federalist Society Panel, The Pros and Cons of Plea Bargaining, 45 U. DAYTON L. REV. 521 (2020).

Samuel J. Levine (with Bruce A. Green), Disciplinary Reregulation of Prosecutors as a Remedy for Abuses for Prosecutorial Discretion: A Descriptive and Normative Analysis, 14 OHIO ST. J. CRIM. L. 143 (2016), was cited in, Emily Prifogle, Winks, Whispers, and Prosecutorial Discretion in Rural Iowa, 1925-1928, 79 THE ANNALS OF IOWA 247 (2020).

Samuel J. Levine, Unenumerated Constitutional Rights and Unenumerated Biblical Obligations: A Preliminary Study in Comparative Hermeneutics, 15 CONST. COMMENT. 511 (1998), was cited in, Neil Foster, 'Statutory Construction and Biblical Hermeneutics - Law in the Service of the Gospel?, 252 ST. MARK'S REV.: J. CHRISTIAN THOUGHT & OP. 106 (2020).

Samuel J. Levine, Halacha and Aggada: Translating Robert Cover's Nomos and Narrative, 1998 UTAH L. REV. 465, was cited in, Rafi Reznik, The Rise of American Conservatism in Israel, 8 PENN ST. J.L. & INT'L AFF. 383 (2020).

Michael E. Lewyn, "Thou Shalt Not Put A Stumbling Block before the Blind": The Americans with Disabilities Act and Public Transit for the Disabled, 52 HASTINGS L.J. 1037 (2001), was cited in, Samuel R. Bagenstos, Towards an Urban Disability Agenda, 47 FORDHAM URB. L.J. 1335 (2020).

Patricia E. Salkin, The Executive and the Environment: A Look at the Last Five Governors in New York, 31 PACE ENVTL. L. REV. 706 (2014), was cited in, Antonia M. Douglas, Governor Northam's Executive Order 43: One Stone and Two Birds for Virginia Energy Policy, 27 BUFF. ENVTL. L.J. 107 (2020).

Patricia E. Salkin, Sustainability and Land Use Planning: Greening State and Local Land Use Plans and Regulations to Address Climate Change Challenges and Preserve Resources for Future Generations, 34 WM. & MARY ENVTL. L. & POL'Y REV. 121 (2009), was cited in, Grant Glovin, A Mount Laurel for Climate Change? The Judicial Role in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Land Use and Transportation, 49 ENVTL. L. REP. NEWS & ANALYSIS 10938 (2019).

Douglas D. Scherer, Tort Remedies for Victims of Domestic Abuse, 43 S.C. L. REV. 543 (1992), was cited in, Christine Rua, Lawyers for #UsToo: An Analysis of the Challenges Posed by the Contingent Fee System in Tort Cases for Sexual Assault, 51 COLUM. HUM. RTS. L. REV. 723 (2020).

Martin A. Schwartz, SECTION 1983 LITIGATION: CLAIMS AND DEFENSES (4th ed. 2003), was cited in, Alexander J. Lindvall, New Contexts and Special Factors: The Court's New Bivens Framework, 43 U. ARK. LITTLE ROCK L. REV. 63 (2020).

Martin A. Schwartz, SECTION 1983 LITIGATION: CLAIMS AND DEFENSES (4th ed. 2006)), was cited in, City of Hodgenville v. Sanders, 2020 Ky. App. LEXIS 645 (Ct. App. Sep. 25, 2020).

Martin A. Schwartz (& Kathryn R. Urbonya), SECTION 1983 LITIGATION (2d ed. 2008), was cited in, Hope Kerpelman, Let Them Eat Paint: Childhood Lead Paint Poisoning As the Denial of Constitutional and Civil Rights, 51 COLUM. HUM. RTS. L. REV. 828 (2020).

Martin A. Schwartz, The Supreme Court's “Double Deference” to Police Use of Force, 2(2) J. PLI PRESS (Spring 2018), was cited in, Esther M. Schonfeld & Alexandra Weaderhorn, Qualified Immunity: Does Law Enforcement Receive Too Much Protection from Personal Liability?, 92(6) N.Y. ST. B.J. 28 (Aug. 2020).

Marjorie A. Silver, TRANSFORMING JUSTICE, LAWYERS AND THE PRACTICE OF LAW (2017) & Marjorie Silver, Relational Approaches to Lawyering and Justice (Law School Course), were cited in, Michael Perlin, “A Self-Ordained Professor’s Tongue”: Therapeutic Jurisprudence in the Classroom, Occasional Papers Series, INT’L SOC’Y THERAPEUTIC JURIS. (Oct. 2020).

Marjorie A. Silver, Love, Hate, and Other Emotional Interference in the Lawyer/Client Relationship, 6 CLINICAL L. REV. 259 (1999), was cited in, Rachel Regenold, Transference and Countertransference in the Attorney-Client Relationship, 80 IOWA LAW. 16 (2020).

Book Reviews:

John Linarelli, (with Margot Salomon & Muthu Sornarajah), THE MISERY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW: CONFRONTATIONS WITH INJUSTICE IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY (Oxford University Press 2018), was reviewed in, Kanad Bagchi, Between Hope and Despair: The Misery of International Law - Confrontations with Injustice in the Global Economy, MAX PLANCK INST. COMPAR. PUB. L. & INT’L L. RSCH. PAPER NO. 2020-32 (Sept. 2020).


Michael Lewyn, was thanked in, Steven F. Friedell, Jewish Law in Israel-Hope and Renewal, 38 QUINNIPIAC L. REV. 547 (2020).

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