
b'TOURO COLLEGE JACOB D. FUCHSBERG LAW CENTERS 40TH ANNIVERSARY GALA Touros 40 Anniversary GalaThe SCBA Board of Directors, Members and Staff are pleased to add their voice to the chorus of accolades for these extraordinary individuals who have been an integral part of theTouro Law Community!Congratulations to the Builders Honorees Professor Lynne Adair Kramer Jeffrey Rosengarten, Senior VP Touro College & University SystemDr. Errol D. Toulon, Jr., Suffolk County Sheriff Elected Official of the Year AwardLegal Aid Society of Suffolk County, Inc. Deans Medal RecognitionJothy Narendran, Esq. (Class 96) Paul S. Miller AwardHon. Derrick J. Robinson, President Daniel J. Tambasco, President Elect Vincent J. Messina, Jr., First VP Cornell V. Bouse, Second VP Patrick McCormick, Treasurer Hon. John J. Leo, Secretary Sarah Jane LaCova, Executive Director'