April/May 2021


Ilene S. Cooper, Appellate Review in the First Quarter, N.Y.L.J. (Apr. 2, 2021).
Tiffany C. Graham, Integrating Diversity into the Constitutional Law Classroom: Roe, Abortion, and Reproductive Justice, in INTEGRATING DOCTRINE AND DIVERSITY: INCLUSION AND EQUITY IN THE LAW SCHOOL CLASSROOM (Carolina Acad. Press 2021).
Samuel J. Levine, Foreword to the Symposium: Jewish Law in Comparative Context, 36 TOURO L. REV. 869 (2021).
Michael Lewyn, Rooted Cosmopolitans: Why Jews Need the City -- or, a Jewish Urbanist Agenda, TABLET MAG (May 03, 2021).
Michael Lewyn, Yimby and Covid-19, 49 REAL EST. L.J. 244 (2021).
Michael Lewyn, Can I Be a Libertarian for Bike Lanes?, PLANETIZEN (Apr. 25, 2021).
Michael Lewyn, Market Segmentation in New York, PLANETIZEN (Apr. 13, 2021).
Michael Lewyn, Roads and Bridges Are Not Crumbling, PLANETIZEN (Apr. 8, 2021).
Michael Lewyn, Does Zoning Create a Vicious Circle—Or Can It Fix Itself?, PLANETIZEN (Apr. 4, 2021).
Meredith R. Miller, Challenging Gender Discrimination in Closely Held Firms: The Hope and Hazard of Corporate Oppression Doctrine, 54 INDIANA L. REV. 123 (2021).
Jeffrey B. Morris, In Memoriam Marvin Schick, Pioneer in the Study of Courts, 36 TOURO L. REV. 1131 (2021).
Ann Nowak, The Struggle with Basic Writing Skills, 25 LEGAL WRITING: J. LEGAL WRITING INST. 117 (2021).
Lawrence Raful, A Tribute to Professor Catherine Mahern, 54(3) CREIGHTON L. REV. i (2021).
Martin A. Schwartz, Supreme Court Holds Police Shooting Fourth Amendment 'Seizure', N.Y.L.J. (May 4, 2021).
Sol Wachtler, Is Freedom of Speech, Freedom from Consequence? New York's Law of Libel, N.Y.L.J. (Apr. 28, 2021).


Myra Berman (& Denise Doty, Melina Healey & Elizabeth Justesen), presenter, Harmonizing the Ethical and Legal Responsibilities of Lawyers and Social Workers in Clinical Practice, AALS Conference on Clinical Legal Education (Apr. 28, 2021).
Rodger D. Citron, moderator, Business, Religion & the Pandemic, Business Law Society, Catholic Law Society & Health Law Projects, Touro Law Center (Apr. 8, 2021).
Rodger D. Citron, presenter, New Ways of Looking at Oklahoma City and Legal Education, Tulsa Law Review Symposium Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre, Univ. Tulsa, College of Law (May 21, 2021).
Melina Healey (Myra Berman, Denise Doty & Elizabeth Justesen), presenter, Harmonizing the Ethical and Legal Responsibilities of Lawyers and Social Workers in Clinical Practice, AALS Conference on Clinical Legal Education (Apr. 28, 2021).
Elizabeth Justesen (& Melina Healey, Myra Berman & Denise Doty), presenter, Harmonizing the Ethical and Legal Responsibilities of Lawyers and Social Workers in Clinical Practice, AALS Conference on Clinical Legal Education (Apr. 28, 2021).
Samuel J. Levine, presenter, What is Disability Law?, DALSA (Disabled & Allied Law Students Association, Fordham Law School (Apr. 13, 2021).
Samuel J. Levine, moderator, Introduction to Federal Criminal Practice: White Collar Crime, Touro Law Center (Apr. 19, 2021).
Samuel J. Levine, presenter, Was Yosef on the Spectrum?, BME Volunteers CIC, London (Apr. 7, 2021).
John Linarelli, presenter, The History and Future of Plural Commercial Normative Orders: Fintech, Machine Learning, and the New Normative Order for Finance, Law and Society Association Annual Meeting (May 30, 2021).
Jorge Roig, presenter, Business, Religion & the Pandemic, Business Law Society, Catholic Law Society & Health Law Projects, Touro Law Center (Apr. 8, 2021).
Michelle Zakarin, presenter, Parallel Play: How to Increase Productivity Using a Scheduled Accountability Group, Empire State Legal Writing Conference (May 13, 2021).


Richard Klein, was interviewed in, NY Times: 4 of Gov. Cuomo’s Accusers Subpoenaed by Attorney General, News 12 (May 15, 2021).
Richard Klein, was interviewed in, LEGAL MINUTES PRESENTS: CONSTITUTIONAL LAW SERIES (May 11, 2021).
Samuel J. Levine, was interviewed about, Was Yosef on the Spectrum? & the Jewish Law Institute's Disability Right and Inclusion Project, TASTHOUGHTS BLOG (May 24, 2021).
Samuel J. Levine, was interviewed about, Autistic Adults and Justice in Employment, TODAY’S AUTISTIC MOMENT PODCAST (May 23, 2021).
Samuel J. Levine, was interviewed about, Legal Ethics to Autism Employment and Neurodiversity, CHAT WITH NISH PODCAST (Apr. 21, 2021).
Samuel J. Levine, was quoted in, Noell Wolfgram Evans, February Events Address Disability Inclusion in Jewish Community, COLUMBUS JEWISH NEWS (Jan. 21, 2021).
Ann L. Nowak, was profiled in, LWI LIVES, LEGAL WRITING INSTITUTE (Apr. 2021).
Patricia E. Salkin, was quoted in, Lyle Moran, Student Counsel Lawyers Find Their Skill Sets Make Them Ideal Candidates for College Presidencies, ABA J. 54 (Apr.l/May 2021).


Harold I. Abramson, A Fifth Branch of Government: The Private Regulators and Their Constitutionality, 16 HASTINGS CONST. L.Q. 165 (1989), was cited in, Craig Konnoth, Privatization's Preemptive Effects, 134 HARV. L. REV. 1937 (2021).
Harold I. Abramson, MEDIATION REPRESENTATION: ADVOCATING AS A PROBLEM SOLVER (3d ed. 2013) & Hal Abramson, Fashioning an Effective Negotiation Style: Choosing between Good Practices, Tactics, and Tricks, 23 HARV. NEGOT. L. REV. 319 (2018), were cited in, Vittorio Indovina, When Mandatory Mediation Meets the Adversarial Legal Culture of Lawyers: An Empirical Study in Italy, 26 HARV. NEGOT. L. REV. 69 (2020).
Rodger D. Citron, The Nuremberg Trials and American Jurisprudence: the Decline of Legal Realism, the Revival of Natural Law, and the Development of Legal Process Theory, 2006 MIC. L. REV. 385 (2006), was cited in, Peter M. Mansfield, A Lowcountry Lesson: A Fort, Forgotten Law, and A Fleet, 67 FED. LAW. 9 (July/Aug. 2020).
Rodger D. Citron, Charles Reich's Journey from the Yale Law Journal to the New York Times Best-Seller List: The Personal History of The Greening of America, 52 N.Y.L. SCH. L. REV. 387 (2008) & Rodger D. Citron, Herman Melville's Billy Budd: Why this Classic Law and Literature Novel Endures and Is Still Relevant Today, JUSTIA: VERDICT (June 19, 2019), were cited in, Harold Hongju Koh, Charles Reich: Due Process in the Eye of the Receiver, 36 TOURO L. REV. 771 (2020).
Rodger D. Citron, Charles Reich's Journey from the Yale Law Journal to the New York Times Best-Seller List: The Personal History of The Greening of America, 52 N.Y.L. SCH. L. REV. 387 (2008), was cited in, Felicia Kornbluh & Karen M. Tani, The Poverty Law Education of Charles Reich, 36 TOURO L. REV. 807 (2020).
Rodger D. Citron, Charles Reich's Journey from the Yale Law Journal to the New York Times Best-Seller List: The Personal History of The Greening of America, 52 N.Y.L. SCH. L. REV. 387 (2008), was cited in, Rodger D. Citron, Introduction to the Conference: Commemorating the Life and Legacy of Charles A. Reich, 36 TOURO L. REV. 707 (2020).
Rodger D. Citron, Completing the Portrait: Concluding Thoughts About Charles Reich, 36 TOURO L. REV. 853 (2020); Rodger D. Citron, Introduction to Charles A. Reich's "Keeping Up: Walking with Justice Douglas", 36 TOURO L. REV. 717 (2020); and Rodger D. Citron, Introduction to the Conference: Commemorating the Life and Legacy of Charles A. Reich, 36 TOURO L. REV. 707 (2020), were cited in, Karen Tani, Touro Law Review Special Issue on the Life and Legacy of Charles A. Reich, LEGAL HISTORY BLOG (Apr. 5, 2021).
Ilene S. Cooper (& Robert M. Harper), Life After Death: The Authority of Estate Fiduciaries to Dispose of Decedents' Reproductive Matter, 26 TOURO L. REV. 649 (2010), was cited in, Alix Rogers, Unearthing the Origins of Quasi-Property Status, 72 HASTINGS L.J. 291 (2020).
Laura Gaston Dooley, Our Juries Our Selves: The Power Perception and Politics of the Civil Jury, 80 CORNELL L. REV. 325 (1995), was cited in, Christopher Brett Jaeger, The Empirical Reasonable Person, 72 ALA. L. REV. 887 (2021).
Laura Gaston Dooley, Our Juries Our Selves: The Power Perception and Politics of the Civil Jury, 80 CORNELL L. REV. 325 (1995), was cited in, Van Philip EAST, Jr. v. Walgreen Co., 2021 WL 2189066 (C.A.5) (May 20, 2021).
Deseriee A. Kennedy, Using the NFL as a Model? Considering Zero Tolerance in the Workplace for Batterers, 45 U. BALT. L. REV. 293 (2016), was cited in, Maritza I. Reyes, Professional Women Subjugated by Name-Calling and Character Attacks, 23 J. GENDER RACE & JUST. 397 (2020).
Sidney Kwestel (& Rena C. Seplowitz), Testamentary Substitutes: Retained Interests, Custodial Accounts and Contractual Transactions--A New Approach, 38 AM. U. L. REV. 1 (1988), was cited in, Grayson M.P. McCouch, Custodianships, Trusts, and Guardianships, 40 VA. TAX REV. 475 (2021).
Samuel J. Levine, A Critique of Hobby Lobby and the Supreme Court's Hands-Off Approach to Religion, 91 NOTRE DAME L. REV. ONLINE 26 (2015), was cited in, Roman Zinigrad, Parental Rights in Education under International Law: Nature and Scope, in REALIZING THE ABIDJAN PRINCIPLES ON THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION (Edward Elgar Pub. 2021).
Samuel J. Levine, A Critique of Hobby Lobby and the Supreme Court's Hands-Off Approach to Religion, 91 NOTRE DAME L. REV. ONLINE 26 (2015), was cited in, Michael J. Broyde & Shlomo C. Pill, SETTING THE TABLE: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE JURISPRUDENCE OF RABBI YECHIEL MIKHEL EPSTEIN’S ARUKH HASHULHAN (Acad. Stud. Press 2020).
Samuel J. Levine (& Bruce A. Green), Disciplinary Regulation of Prosecutors as a Remedy for Abuses of Prosecutorial Discretion: A Descriptive and Normative Analysis Symposium: The Civil Side of Criminal Procedure, 14 OHIO ST. J. CRIM. L. 143 (2016), was cited in, W. Kerrel Murray, Populist Prosecutorial Nullification, 96 N.Y.U. L. REV. 173 (2021).
Samuel J. Levine (& Bruce A. Green), Disciplinary Regulation of Prosecutors as a Remedy for Abuses of Prosecutorial Discretion: A Descriptive and Normative Analysis Symposium: The Civil Side of Criminal Procedure, 14 OHIO ST. J. CRIM. L. 143 (2016), was cited in, Kayla Abrams, For the People?: The Role of Prosecutorial Misconduct in the Rise of Progressive Prosecution in Brooklyn, 1964-2019 (March 2021) (B.A. Thesis, Columbia University).
Samuel J. Levine, A Critique of Hobby Lobby and the Supreme Court's Hands-Off Approach to Religion, 91 NOTRE DAME L. REV. ONLINE 26 (2015), was cited in, Michael Rioux, Chronicle of the First Amendment: Early Obituary of the Smith Case Law, 126(2) REVUE FRANÇAISE DE DROIT CONSTITUTIONNEL 141 (2021).
Samuel J. Levine, An Introduction to Self-incrimination in Jewish Law, with Application to the American Legal System: A Psychological and Philosophical Analysis, 28 LOY. L.A. INT'L & COMP. L. REV. 257 (2006) & Samuel J. Levine, JEWISH LAW AND AMERICAN LAW: A COMPARATIVE STUDY (2018), were cited in, Graham James McAleer, Witness for the Self: Miranda v. Arizona's Political Theology, 36 TOURO L. REV. 1079 (2021).
Samuel J. Levine, Unenumerated Constitutional Rights and Unenumerated Biblical Obligations: A Preliminary Study in Comparative Hermeneutics, 15 CONST. COMMENT. 511 (1998), was cited in, Howard Kislowicz, Law, Faith, and Canada's Unwritten Constitution, 25 REV. CONST. STUD. 19 (2020-2021).
Samuel J. Levine, Legal Services Lawyers and the Influence of Third Parties on the Lawyer-Client Relationship: Some Thoughts from Scholars, Practitioners, and Courts, 67 FORDHAM L. REV. 2319 (1999), was cited in, Agnė Limantė, Danutė Jočienė, Simonas Nikartas & Laurynas Totoraitis, TOWARDS EFFECTIVE LEGAL AID: INTERNATIONAL LEGAL AND PRACTICAL STANDARDS (Lithuanian Inst. L. 2020).
John Linarelli (with Margot E. Salomon & Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah), THE MISERY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW: CONFRONTATIONS WITH INJUSTICE IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY (2018), was cited in, Shuo Feng & Wei Shen, An Oriental Face in International Law Scholarship: Contemporary Value of Bin Cheng’s General Principles of Law as Applied by International Courts and Tribunals, 5(1) INT’L J. LEGAL DISCOURSE 103 (2020).
John Linarelli (with Margot E. Salomon & Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah), THE MISERY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW: CONFRONTATIONS WITH INJUSTICE IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY (2018), was cited in, Kinnari Bhatt, Jennifer Lander & Sanne Taekema, Introduction: The Rule of Law in Transnational Development Projects – Private Actors and Public Chokeholds, 17(1) INT’L J. L. IN CONTEXT 91 (2021).
John Linarelli (with Margot E. Salomon & Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah), THE MISERY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW: CONFRONTATIONS WITH INJUSTICE IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY (2018), was cited in, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe, Africanization and the Reform of International Investment Law, 53 CASE W. RES. J. INT'L L. 7 (2021).
John Linarelli (with Margot E. Salomon & Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah), THE MISERY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW: CONFRONTATIONS WITH INJUSTICE IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY (2018), was cited in, Andreas Follesdal, Add International Courts to The Idea of Human Rights and Stir … on Beitz’ The Idea of Human Rights after 10 Years, CRITICAL REV. INT’L SOC. & POL. PHIL. (Dec. 2020).
John Linarelli (with Margot E. Salomon & Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah), THE MISERY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW: CONFRONTATIONS WITH INJUSTICE IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY (2018), was cited in, James Thuo Gathii, Twenty-Second Annual Grotius Lecture: The Promise of International Law: A Third World View, 36 AM. U. INT'L L. REV. 377 (2021).
John Linarelli (with Margot E. Salomon & Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah), THE MISERY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW: CONFRONTATIONS WITH INJUSTICE IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY (2018), was cited in, Sam Adelman, A Legal Paradigm Shift Towards Climate Justice in the Anthropocene, 11(1) OÑATI SOCIO-LEGAL SERIES 44 (2021).
John Linarelli (with Sue Arrowsmith & Don Wallace Jr.), REGULATING PUBLIC PROCUREMENT: NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES (2000), was cited in, Jan Gola, Public Supervision on the Public Procurement Market in Selected EU Member States (selected aspects), 23 ECON. 21ST CENTURY 35 (2020).
John Linarelli, Global Legal Pluralism and Commercial Law, in THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF GLOBAL LEGAL PLURALISM (2020), was cited in, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann & Bertram Turner, Anthropological Roots of Global Legal Pluralism, in THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF GLOBAL LEGAL PLURALISM (2020).
John Linarelli, Luck, Justice and Systemic Financial Risk, 34 J. APPLIED PHIL. 331 (2017), was cited in, Sun Hongjin, Analysis of Risk Factors in Financial Supply Chain Based on Machine Learning and IoT Technology, 40(4) J. INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYS. 6421 (2021).
Irene (Crisci) McDermott (& Patricia E. Salkin), Billy Joel: The Chronicler of the Suburbanization In New York, 32 TOURO L. REV. 111 (2016), was cited in, Nathalie Martin, Bad Apples or A Rotten Tree: Ameliorating the Double Pandemic of Covid-19 and Racial Economic Inequality, 82 MONT. L. REV. 105 (2021).
Deborah Post, was referenced in, Anthony E. Varona, Communion: Envisioning and Executing the Fourth National People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference-the Largest Ever Gathering of Minority Law Scholars, 55 HARV. C.R.-C.L. L. REV. 761 (2020).
Jorge R. Roig, Decoding First Amendment Coverage of Computer Source Code in the Age of Youtube, Facebook, and the Arab Spring, 68 N.Y.U. ANN. SURV. AM. L. 319 (2013), was cited in, Gabrielle Supak, Political Posturing or A Move Towards "Net Nationalism?": The Legality of A TikTok Ban and Why Foreign Tech Companies Should Be Paying Attention, 22 N.C. J. L. & TECH. 527 (2021).
Patricia E. Salkin, was cited in, Vanessa Miller, University of Iowa Presidential Finalists Differ from 2015 in Gender, Experience, GAZETTE (Apr. 27, 2021).
Patricia E. Salkin (& Charles Gottlieb), Engaging Deliberative Democracy at the Grassroots: Prioritizing the Effects of the Fiscal Crisis in New York at the Local Government Level, 39 FORDHAM URB. L. J. 727 (2012), was cited in, Jennifer Russnow, Amazon HQ2 & the NIMBY Movement: An Opportunity to Incorporate Deliberative Democracy into New York's Land Use System, 27 CARDOZO J. EQUAL RTS. & SOC. JUST. 349 (2021).
Patricia E. Salkin (& Amy Lavine), Land Use Law and Active Living: Opportunities for States to Assume a Leadership Role in Promoting and Incentivizing Local Options, 5 RUTGERS J.L. & PUB. POL'Y 317 (2008), was cited in, Nestor M. Davidson & Timothy M. Mulvaney, Takings Localism, 121 COLUM. L. REV. 215 (2021).
Patricia E. Salkin (& Zachary Kansler), Medical Marijuana Meets Zoning: Can You Grow, Sell, and Smoke That Here?, 62(8) PLAN. & ENV’T. L. 3 (2010) & Patricia E. Salkin (& Zachary Kansler), Medical Marijuana Zoned Out: Local Regulation Meets State Acceptance and Federal Quiet Acquiescence, 16 DRAKE J. AGRIC. L. 295 (2011), were cited in, Paul J. Larkin, Jr., Cannabis Capitalism, 69 BUFF. L. REV. 215 (2021).
Patricia E. Salkin, Modernizing Zoning for Home Occupations, 2006(9) ZONING PRAC. 2 (Sept. 2006), was cited in, Chris Edwards, Entrepreneurs and Regulations: Removing State and Local Barriers to New Businesses, Policy Analysis 916, CATO INST, (May 4, 2021).
Patricia E. Salkin (& John R. Nolon), Practically Grounded: Convergence of Land Use Law Pedagogy and Best Practices, 60 J. LEGAL ED. 519 (2010), was cited in, Robert C. Illig, Using Context to Teach Business Law: The Case for Sports Law and Other Practice-Area Subjects, 56 WILLAMETTE L. REV. 329 (2020).
Patricia E. Salkin (& Irene Crisci), Billy Joel: The Chronicler of the Suburbanization in New York, 32 TOURO L. REV. 111 (2016), was cited in, Nathalie Martin, Bad Apples or a Rotten Tree: Ameliorating the Double Pandemic of Covid-19 and Racial Economic Inequality, 82 MONT. L. REV. 105 (2021).
Patricia E. Salkin (& John R. Nolon), LAND USE LAW IN A NUTSHELL (West Academic Publishing, 2d ed. 2017), was cited in, Georgia D. Reid, How Land Use Law Can Provide a Local Solution to Exotic Animal Captivity, 21(6) N.Y. ZONING L. & PRAC. REP. 1 (May/June 2021).
Patricia E. Salkin, PIONEERING WOMEN LAWYERS: FROM KATE STONEHAM TO THE PRESENT (2008), was cited in, D. Michael Risinger, Female Law Librarians as Pioneer Women Law Professors: A (Belated) Response to Dean Kay, with Some Suggested Additions to Her Canonical List, 113 L. LIBR. J. 31 (2021).
Martin A. Schwartz, Supreme Court Defines Deliberate Indifference, N.Y.L.J. 159 (1994), was cited in, Kathryn E. Meloni, Proactive Remedies to Prevent Permanent Solutions: Enacting Narrowly Crafted Legislative Reform to Reduce Jail Suicides, 31 HEALTH MATRIX 437 (2021).
Martin A. Schwartz (with Karen Blum & Erwin Chemerinsky), Qualified Immunity Developments: Not Much Hope Left for Plaintiffs, 29 TOURO L. REV. 633 (2013), was cited in, Joanna C. Schwartz, Qualified Immunity's Boldest Lie, 88 U. CHI. L. REV. 605 (2021).
Martin A. Schwartz (& Kathryn R. Urbonya), SECTION 1983 LITIGATION (2nd ed. 2008), was cited in, Noor-ul-ain S. Hasan, Jurisdictional Boomerang: How the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act Amplifies Hardship for Domestic Violence Survivors, 56 GONZ. L. REV. 405 (2021).
Martin A. Schwartz, SECTION 1983 LITIGATION (Kris Markarian ed., 3d ed. 2014), was cited in, Michelle L. Richards, Going Viral?: Discouraging the Premature Use of Civil Liability Strategies as a Response to COVID-19, 19 U.N.H. L. REV. 491 (2021).
Rena C. Seplowitz (& Sidney Kwestel), Testamentary Substitutes: Retained Interests, Custodial Accounts and Contractual Transactions--A New Approach, 38 AM. U. L. REV. 1 (1988), was cited in, Grayson M.P. McCouch, Custodianships, Trusts, and Guardianships, 40 VA. TAX REV. 475 (2021).
Marjorie A. Silver, Love, Hate, and Other Emotional Interference in the Lawyer/Client Relationship, 6 CLINICAL L. REV. 256 (1999) & Marjorie A. Silver, THE AFFECTIVE ASSISTANCE OF COUNSEL: PRACTICING LAW AS A HEALING PROFESSION (2007), were cited in, Mary J. Novak, Forming Restorative Justice Practitioners: Learning to Make Meaning of Our Trauma Exposure Response, 17 U. ST. THOMAS L.J. 43 (2020).
Theodore Silver, One Hundred Years of Harmful Error: The Historical Jurisprudence of Medical Malpractice, 1992 Wis. L. Rev. 1193 (1992), was cited in, Bradley Copeland, Occupational Licensing and the First Amendment, 31 GEO. MASON U. C.R. L.J. 181 (2021).
Theodore Silver, One Hundred Years of Harmful Error: The Historical Jurisprudence of Medical Malpractice, 1992 Wis. L. Rev. 1193 (1992), was cited in, Robert H. Jerry, II, Covid-19: Responsibility and Accountability in A World of Rationing, 7 J.L. & BIOSCIENCES 1 (2020).
Dan Subotnik, Does Testing = Race Discrimination? Ricci, the Bar Exam, the LSAT, and the Challenge to Learning, 8 U. MASS. L. REV. 332 (2013), was cited in, Nicci Arete, The Bar Exam's Contribution to Systemic Inequalities in Access to Justice Around the World, 30 WASH. INT'L L.J. 324 (2021).
Dan Subotnik (& Glen Lazar), Deconstructing the Rejection Letter: A Look at Elitism in Article Selection, 49 J. LEGAL EDUC. 601 (1999), was cited in, Steven K. Homer, Hierarchies of Elitism and Gender: The Bluebook and the ALWD Guide, 41 PACE L. REV. 1 (2020).
Sol Wachtler, Brett Kavanaugh is an Originalist, N.Y.L.J. (Sept. 20, 2018), was cited in, Jeffrey Boxer & Bobby Dishell, Risking a Contact High: The Tenth Circuit's Failure to Defer to Colorado's Marijuana Laws, 98 DENV. L. REV. 265 (2021).
Sol Wachtler (& Keri Bagala), From the Asylum to Solitary: Transinstitutionalization, 77 ALB. L. REV. 915 (2014), was cited in, Michael Mullan, How U.S. Society Has Treated Those with Mental Illnesses, 24 RICH. PUB. INT. L. REV. 79 (2021).

Book Reviews:

Samuel J. Levine, WAS YOSEF ON THE SPECTRUM? UNDERSTANDING JOSEPH THROUGH TORAH, MIDRASH, AND CLASSICAL JEWISH SOURCES (2019), was reviewed in, Nathan Weissler, Review of Samuel J. Levine's Was Yosef on the Spectrum? Understanding Joseph Through Torah, Midrash, and Classical Jewish Sources: Urim Publications, Jerusalem, New York, 36 TOURO L. REV. 1109 (2021).
Samuel J. Levine, WAS YOSEF ON THE SPECTRUM? UNDERSTANDING JOSEPH THROUGH TORAH, MIDRASH, AND CLASSICAL JEWISH SOURCES (2019), was reviewed in, John Elder Robison, Was Yosef on the Spectrum? Understanding Joseph Through Torah, Midrash, and Classical Jewish Sources: A Review, 36 TOURO L. REV. 1097 (2021).
John Linarelli, Equality and Access to Credit: A Social Contract Framework, 84 L. & CONTEMP. PROBS. 165 (2021), was reviewed in, Sabrina Minhas, Promoting Justice in Credit Markets, REG. REV. (May 20, 2021).
John Linarelli (with Orkun Akseli), THE FUTURE OF COMMERCIAL LAW (Hart 2020), was reviewed in, Jonny Hardman, [Review of] Orkun Akseli and John Linarelli (eds), The Future of Commercial Law: Ways Forward for Change and Reform, 25(2) EDINBURGH L. REV. 266 (2021).

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