September/October 2022


Ilene Sherwyn Cooper, Surrogate's Court Decisions Abound in Summer Months, N.Y.L.J. (Sept. 30, 2022).

Deseriee Kennedy, Pleading and Antiracism, in A Guide to Civil Procedure: Integrating Critical Legal Perspectives (NYU Press 2022).

Michael Lewyn, The Right to a Healthy Environment: Not as Healthy as One Might Think, Planetizen (Oct. 24, 2022).

Michael Lewyn, Street Safety: Not Just for Progressives, Medium (Oct. 19, 2022).

Michael Lewyn, A Legal Perspective on Transportation Safety, Planetizen (Sept. 19, 2022).

Laura Ross, Book Review: Along Came Google: A History of Library Digitization, 114 Law Libr. J. 220 (2022).

Martin A. Schwartz, Prosecutorial Immunity Developments, N.Y.L.J. (Sept. 2, 2022).


Honors, Awards & Appointments:

John Linarelli, delegate, 8th Workshop for the Project on Economic Assessment of International Commercial Law Reform, Cape Town Convention Academic Project, Cambridge (Sept. 15, 2022).



Hal Abramson, presenter, Mediation Club, Police Academy (that trains law enforcement officers on maintaining peace on the ground while at war), Odessa, Ukraine (Oct. 2022).

Patricia Baia, presenter, Improve Summative Assessment and Learning Outcomes by Using Online Tools to Create Purposeful Formative Assessments, Online & Hybrid Learning Pedagogy: Toward Defining Best Practices in Legal Education Conference, University of Denver (Sept. 23, 2022).

Sara J. Berman, moderator, Plenary: The Future is Here: Legal Education in a Hybrid World, Online & Hybrid Learning Pedagogy: Toward Defining Best Practices in Legal Education Conference, University of Denver (Sept. 24, 2022).

Sara J. Berman, moderator, Online and Hybrid Student-Centered Learning Workshop, Online & Hybrid Learning Pedagogy: Toward Defining Best Practices in Legal Education Conference, University of Denver (Sept. 23, 2022).

Rodger D. Citron, panelist, Religion in the Intellectual Life of the Law School, Conference: The Past, Present, and Future of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools, Touro Law Center (Sept. 15, 2022).

Tiffany C. Graham, commentator, Critical Race Theory is Not Antisemitic. So Why Do Some People Say It Is?, Seeing Antisemitism through Law, ABM Talks, German Research Foundation (Sept. 29, 2022).

Tiffany C. Graham, moderator, Religion and the Practice of Law (II), Conference: The Past, Present, and Future of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools, Touro Law Center (Sept. 16, 2022).

Melina A. Healey, panelist, Religious Thought in Criminal Law Scholarship & Advocacy, Conference: The Past, Present, and Future of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools, Touro Law Center (Sept. 15, 2022).

Tal Kastner, presenter, Sula and the ‘Joke’ of Contract at the Association for the Study of Law, Culture and Humanities Annual Conference, Emory Law School (June 2022).

Tal Kastner, presenter, Contract Interpretation: A Macro View, Law and Society Annual Meeting, Lisbon (July 2022).

Tal Kastner, presenter, Contract Interpretation: A Macro View, Marquette Law School Works in Progress, Milwaukee (Sept. 9, 2022).

Deseriee A. Kennedy, moderator, Religion and Faculty Hiring, Conference: The Past, Present, and Future of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools, Touro Law Center (Sept. 15, 2022).

Elena B. Langan, welcome & closing remarks, Conference: The Past, Present, and Future of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools, Touro Law Center (Sept. 15-16, 2022).

Elena B. Langan, presenter, Plenary: The Future is Here: Legal Education in a Hybrid World, Online & Hybrid Learning Pedagogy: Toward Defining Best Practices in Legal Education Conference, University of Denver (Sept. 24, 2022).

Elena B. Langan, panelist, Curriculum in the New Era of Legal Education: Panel Discussion, Online & Hybrid Learning Pedagogy: Toward Defining Best Practices in Legal Education Conference, University of Denver (Sept. 23, 2022).

Elena B. Langan, presenter, Improve Summative Assessment and Learning Outcomes by Using Online Tools to Create Purposeful Formative Assessments, Online & Hybrid Learning Pedagogy: Toward Defining Best Practices in Legal Education Conference, University of Denver (Sept. 23, 2022).

Samuel J. Levine, presenter, CLE: 2022 Supreme Court Update Series: Law and Religion, University of Houston Law Center (Oct. 25, 2022).

Samuel J. Levine, organizer & co-moderator, Autism and Employment: Lessons from the Corporate World, Touro Talks (Oct. 23, 2022).

Samuel J. Levine, presenter, INAS 2022 Neurodiversity Conference (Sept. 24, 2022)

Samuel J. Levine, organizer, welcome & closing remarks, Conference: The Past, Present, and Future of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools, Touro Law Center (Sept. 15-16, 2022).

John Linarelli, moderator, Religious Liberty Advocacy, Conference: The Past, Present, and Future of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools, Touro Law Center (Sept. 16, 2022).

Patricia E. Salkin, moderator, Past, Present & Future of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools (I) & (II), Conference: The Past, Present, and Future of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools, Touro Law Center (Sept. 15, 2022).

Patricia E. Salkin, commentator, Festschrift Symposium Honoring Daniel Mandelker, Washington University School of Law (Sept. 28, 2022).

Marjorie A. Silver (with Laurie Hauber), Getting to Yes: Engaging Field Placement Supervisors as Partners, Externship 11 Conference, Pepperdine University (Oct. 8, 2022).



Rena Seplowitz, SabersPro Sells High-End Lightsabers for 'Star Wars' Fans, Newsday (Sept. 26, 2022).

Rodger D. Citron, moderator, Touro Law Review Podcast:  A Discussion on the Supreme Court Decision, West Virginia v. EPA with Eli Nachmany (Oct. 19, 2022);  A Discussion on Appellate Advocacy and Writing with Reyna Marder Gentin (Oct. 4, 2022); Litigating Slavery’s Reach: A Story of Race, Rights, and the Law During the California Gold Rush (Sept. 30, 2022); New York University President Emeritus John Sexton (Sept. 20, 2022); What to Expect from the United States Supreme Court with Professor Barry Friedman (Sept. 7, 2022).



Harold I. Abramson, Mediation Representation: Advocating as a Problem-Solver in Any Country or Culture (2d ed. 2010), was cited in, Roselle L. Wissler & Art Hinshaw, Joint Session or Caucus? Factors Related to How the Initial Mediation Session Begins, 37 Ohio St. J. on Disp. Resol. 391 (2022).

Myra Berman, Portals to Practice: A Multidimensional Approach to Integrating Experiential Education into the Traditional Law School Curriculum, 1 J. Experiential Learning 157 (2015), was cited in, Anastasia M. Boles, Pivoting Under Pressure: Cultural Proficiency, Race, and Reforms, 2022 Utah L. Rev. 871 (2022).

Sara J. Berman, What Is Manslaughter? What Is Murder vs. Manslaughter?, NOLO, [], was cited in, Daniel D. Haun & Eric P. Robinson, Do You Agree?: The Psychology and Legalities of Assent to Clickwrap Agreements, 28 Rich. J.L. & Tech. 623 (2022).

Sara J. Berman, Arrest Warrants: What's in Them, How Police Gets Them, NOLO, (last visited Aug. 2, 2022) & Sara J. Berman, When the Police Can Make an Arrest: Probable Cause, NOLO, (last visited Aug. 2, 2022), were cited in, Judge Mary Celeste (Ret.) & Francesca Jenkins, Cannabis Conundrum, 46 Seton Hall Legis. J. 489 (2022).

Sara J. Berman et al., The Bar Exam and the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Need for Immediate Action (Mar. 22, 2020), available at, was cited in, Scott Devito, Kelsey Hample & Erin Lain, Examining the Bar Exam: An Empirical Analysis of Racial Bias in the Uniform Bar Examination, 55 U. Mich. J.L. Reform 597 (2022).

Eileen Kaufman et al., The Bar Exam and the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Need for Immediate Action (Mar. 22, 2020), available at, was cited in, Scott Devito, Kelsey Hample & Erin Lain, Examining the Bar Exam: An Empirical Analysis of Racial Bias in the Uniform Bar Examination, 55 U. Mich. J.L. Reform 597 (2022).

Suzanne Darrow-Kleinhaus, Portability of the UBE: Where is It When You Need It and Do You Need It At All?, 37 Touro L. Rev. 665 (2021), was cited in, Jeremy S. Weber, The Secret Benefit of Federal Lawyering, 69 Fed. Law. 6 (2022).

Deseriee A. Kennedy, Children, Parents & The State: The Construction of a New Family Ideology, 26 Berkeley J. Gender, L. & Just. 78 (2011) & Deseriee A. Kennedy, “The Good Mother”: Mothering, Feminism, and Incarceration, 18 Wm. & Mary J. Women & L. 161 (2012), were cited in, Carla Laroche, The New Jim and Jane Crow Intersect: Challenges to Defending the Parental Rights of Mothers During Incarceration, 12 Colum. J. Race & L. 517 (2022).

Richard Klein (& Robert Spangenberg), The Indigent Defense Crisis (1993), was cited in, Abbe Smith, Defending Gideon, 26 U.C. Davis Soc. Just. L. Rev. 235 (2022).

Samuel J. Levine, Jewish Legal Theory and American Constitutional Theory: Some Comparisons and Contrasts, 24 Hastings Const. L.Q. 441 (1997), was cited in, Scott DeVito, On the Death of Diversity Jurisdiction: An Empirical Study Establishing That Diversity Jurisdiction Is No Longer Justified, 55 Ind. L. Rev. 233 (2022).

Samuel J. Levine, Looking Beyond the Mercy/Justice Dichotomy: Reflections on the Complementary Roles of Mercy and Justice in Jewish Law and Tradition, 45 J. Cath. Legal Stud. 455 (2006), was cited in, Thomas E. Simmons, Inconceivability, Horror, and the Mercy Seat, 67 S.D. L. Rev. 212 (2022).

Samuel J. Levine, Capital Punishment in Jewish Law and its Application to the American Legal System: A Conceptual Overview, 29 St. Mary's L.J. 1037 (1998), was cited in, Rebecca Epstein-Levi, When We Collide: Sex, Social Risk, and Jewish Ethics (Indiana Univ. Press, 2023).

Samuel J. Levine, The Law and the "Spirit of the Law", 2015 Prof. Law. 1 (2015), was cited in, ABA Comm. on Ethics & Pro, Resp., Formal Op. 502 (Sept. 28, 2022) (discussing communication with a represented person by a pro se lawyer).

Samuel J. Levine, Was Yosef on the Spectrum? Understanding Joseph Through Torah, Midrash, and Classical Jewish Sources (Urim Publ’ns 2019), was cited in, Julia Rubanovich, Joseph and His Two Wives: Patterns of Cultural Accommodation in the Judæo-Persian Tale of Yusof and Zoleykhā, 13 J. Persianate Stud. 146 (2021).

Samuel J. Levine, Teaching Jewish Law in American Law Schools: An Emerging Development in Law and Religion, 26 Fordham Urb. L.J. 1041 (1999), was cited in, Renae Barker, Law and Religion in the Classroom: Teaching Church-State Relationships, 1 Austl. J. L. & Rel. 1 (2022).

Samuel J. Levine, Capital Punishment and Religious Arguments: An Intermediate Approach, 9 Wm. & Mary Bill Rts. J. 179 (2000), was cited in, Griffin Scrivo, Capital Punishment: The Ethics (May 13, 2021) (Honors Capstone Paper, Sacred Heart University).

Samuel J. Levine, Applying Jewish Legal Theory in the Context of American Law and Legal Scholarship: A Methodological Analysis, 40 Seton Hall L. Rev. 933 (2010), was cited in, Ellis Adler, The Alabama Human Life Protection Act: A Jewish Law Perspective, Center for the Study of Law and Religion (CSLR) Research Paper Series (2021).

Samuel J. Levine (& Gertrude N. Levine), Internet Ethics, American Law, and Jewish Law: A Comparative Overview, 21 J. Tech L. & Pol’y 37 (2016), was cited in, Nadav S. Berman & Tal Z. Zarsky, What Is the Juxtaposition between Silicon Valley and Mount Sinai? Covenantal Principles and the Conceptualization of Platform-User Relations, 37 J. L & Rel. 446 (2022).

Michael Lewyn, Two Cheers for Instant Runoff Voting, 6 Phx. L. Rev. 117 (2012), was cited in, Edward B. Foley, Tournament Elections with Round-Robin Primaries: A Sports Analogy for Electoral Reform, 2021 Wis. L. Rev. 1187 (2021).

Michael Lewyn, The Middle Class, Urban Schools, and Choice, 4 Belmont L. Rev. 85 (2017), was cited in, Charles J. Russo, Reflections on Public Examination Schools: Is It Time to Minimize the Role of Entrance Tests in Admission to These Schools?, 49 Fordham Urb. L.J. 1165 (2022).

John Linarelli, Debt in Just Societies: A General Framework for Regulating Credit, 14 Regul. & Governance 409 (2020) & John Linarelli, Equality and Access to Credit: A Social Contract Framework, 84 Law & Contemp. Probs. 165 (2021), were cited in, Vijay Raghavan, Consumer Law's Equity Gap, 2022 Utah L. Rev. 511 (2022).

John Linarelli, (Sue Arrowsmith & Don Wallace Jr.), Regulating Public Procurement: National and International Perspectives (Kluwer 2000), was cited in, Twesigye Nduhuraet et al., Internal Control Systems and Procurement Effectiveness in Public Entities of Uganda: A Case of Uganda Human Rights Commission, 6 Int’l J. Acad. Mgmt. Sci. Rsch. 173 (2022).

John Linarelli, (Sue Arrowsmith & Don Wallace Jr.), Regulating Public Procurement: National and International Perspectives (Kluwer 2000), was cited in, Cinjel Nandes Dickson & Julius John Achanya, Measures to Strengthen the Public Procurement Act against Contract Scam in Nigeria: Lessons from Policy Implementation, 2007-2015, 58 J. Mgmt. Sci. 1 (2022).

John Linarelli, Toward a Political Theory For Private International Law, 26 Duke J. Comp. Int’l L. 299 (2016), was cited in, Filip Šaranović, Freezing Injunctions in Private International Law (Cambridge Univ. Press 2023).

John Linarelli, Artificial General Intelligence and Contract, 24 Uniform L. Rev. 330 (2019), was cited in, Simone Siciliano, Blockchain E-Smart Contracts (Sept. 2022) (Thesis, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia).

John Linarelli, (Margot E. Salomon & M. Sornarajah), The Misery Of International Law: Confrontations With Injustice In The Global Economy (2018), was cited in, Camila Villard Duran, Global Economic Governance and Gender Inequality: An Agenda for the Brazilian Legal Research, 13 Rev. Direito & Práx. 1500 (2022).

John Linarelli, (Margot E. Salomon & M. Sornarajah), The Misery Of International Law: Confrontations With Injustice In The Global Economy (2018), was cited in, Anatole Boute, Weaponizing Energy: Energy, Trade, and Investment Law in the New Geopolitical Reality, 116 Am. J. Int'l L. 740 (2022).

John Linarelli, (Margot E. Salomon & M. Sornarajah), The Misery Of International Law: Confrontations With Injustice In The Global Economy (2018), was cited in, David Schneiderman, Investment Law's Alibis (Cambridge Univ. Press 2022).

John Linarelli, (Margot E. Salomon & M. Sornarajah), The Misery Of International Law: Confrontations With Injustice In The Global Economy (2018), was cited in, Miles Jackson, The Definition of Apartheid in Customary International Law and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 71 Int’l & Compar. L. Q. 831 (2002).

John Linarelli, Global Legal Pluralism and Commercial Law, in The Oxford Handbook on Global Legal Pluralism (Oxford University Press 2020), was cited in, Andreas Follesdal, Survey Article: The Legitimacy of International Courts, 28 J. Pol. Phil. 476 (2020).

John Linarelli, Organizations Matter: They are Institutions, after All, 6 J. Inst. Econ. 83 (2010), was cited in, Kai Kronenberg, New Perspectives on Socio-Economic Impacts of Tourism: A Study on the Distributive Effects of Tourism and Events on Regional Employment and Income (Oct. 11, 2022) (Ph. D. dissertation, Mid Sweden University).

Jeffrey B. Morris, email correspondence with author, was cited in, Scott Dodson, The Making of the Supreme Court Rules, 90 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 866 (2022).

Jeffrey B. Morris, The American Jewish Judge: An Appraisal on the Occasion of the Bicentennial, 38 Jewish Soc. Stud. 195 (1976), was cited in, Dalia T. Mitchell, Shareholder Wealth Maximization: Variations on a Theme, 24 U. Pa. J. Bus. L. 700 (2022).

Deborah Waire Post, Power and the Morality of Grading--A Case Study and a Few Critical Thoughts on Grade Normalization, 65 UMKC L. Rev. 777 (1997), was cited in, L. Danielle Tully, What Law Schools Should Leave Behind, 2022 Utah L. Rev. 837 (2022).

Patricia E. Salkin et al., The Bar Exam and the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Need for Immediate Action (Mar. 22, 2020), available at, was cited in, Scott Devito, Kelsey Hample & Erin Lain, Examining the Bar Exam: An Empirical Analysis of Racial Bias in the Uniform Bar Examination, 55 U. Mich. J.L. Reform 597 (2022).

Patricia E. Salkin, American Law of Zoning (5th ed. 2021) & Patricia E. Salkin, New York Zoning Law and Practice (2020), were cited in, Jessica Mingrino, White Picket Fences & Suburban Gatekeeping: How Long Island's Land Use Laws Cement Its Status as One of the Most Segregated Places in America, 95 St. John's L. Rev. 1129 (2021).

Patricia E. Salkin, (John C. Dernbach & Donald A. Brown), Sustainability as a Means of Improving Environmental Justice, 19 J. Env’t & Sustainability L. 1 (2012), was cited in, Alexandria E. Dolezal, Power to the People: Distributing the Benefits of a Clean Energy Transition Through Equitable Policy, Legislation, and Energy Justice Initiatives, 106 Minn. L. Rev. 2441 (2022).

Patricia E. Salkin, Municipal Regulation of Formula Businesses: Creating and Protecting Communities, 58 Case W. Res. L. Rev. 1251 (2008), was cited in, W.C. Bunting, J.D., Ph.D., Curbing the Anticompetitive Impact of Commercial Land Use Regulation: An Administrative Approach, 66 Vill. L. Rev. 681 (2021).

Patricia E. Salkin (& Zachary Kansler), Ensuring Public Trust at the Municipal Level: Inspectors General Enter the Mix, 75 Alb. L. Rev. 95 (2012), was cited in, Sharon R. Fairley, Survey Says: Powerful Sheriffs Successfully Limit the Rise of Civilian Oversight, 23 N.Y.U. J. Legis. & Pub. Pol'y 803 (2021).

Patricia E. Salkin (& Amy Lavine), The Genesis of RLUIPA and Federalism: Evaluating the Creation of a Federal Statutory Right and Its Impact on Local Government, 40 Urb. L. 195 (2008), was cited in, Brief for Petitioner, City of Salinas v. New Harvest Christian Fellowship, No. 22-309, 2022 U.S. S. Ct. Briefs Lexis 3223 (Sept. 28, 2022).

Patricia E. Salkin, Variance Factors - Personal Hardship, in American Law of Zoning (5th ed. Apr. 2020 update), was cited in, Response Brief, Fontana Trust v. Zoning Bd. App., 2022 WI App. Ct. Briefs Lexis 1186 (Sept. 25, 2022).

Martin A. Schwartz, Procedural Issues Relating to Qualified Immunity, Section 1983 Litigation Claims & Defneses (2020), was cited in, Katherine Enright & Amanda Geary, Qualified Immunity and the Colorblindness Fallacy: Why "Black Lives (Don't) Matter" to the Country's High Court, 13 Geo. J.L. & Mod. Critical Race Persp. 135 (2021).

Martin A. Schwartz, The Preiser Puzzle: Continued Frustrating Conflict Between the Civil Rights and Habeas Corpus Remedies for State Prisoners, 37 DePaul L. Rev. 85 (1988) & Martin A. Schwartz & John E. Kirklin, Section 1983 Litigations: Claims, Defenses and Fees (1986), were cited in, Fatma Marouf, Immigration Detention and Illusory Alternatives to Habeas, 12 UC Irvine L. Rev. 969 (2022).

Martin A. Schwartz, The Preiser Puzzle: Continued Frustrating Conflict Between the Civil Rights and Habeas Corpus Remedies for State Prisoners, 37 DePaul L. Rev. 85 (1988), was cited in, Ivan Parfenoff, “As Law and Justice Require”: A Traditional Habeas Approach to Modern Prisoner Rights, 12 Crim. L. Prac. 3 (2022).

Martin A. Schwartz, Constitutional Litigation Under Section 1983 and the Bivens Doctrine in the October 2008 Term, 26 Touro L. Rev. 531 (2010), was cited in, Cole Craghan, It Should Not Matter What Type of Officer Wrongly Arrests You: Using Civil Rights Actions to Protect Peaceful Protestors, 48 J. Legis. 370 (2022).

Martin A. Schwartz, Section 1983 Litigation Claims and Defenses (4th ed. 2022), was cited in, Abdel-Fakhara v. State, No. 5:21-cv-198, 2022 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 160208 (D. Vt. Sep. 6, 2022).

Martin A. Schwartz et al., Analysis of Videotape Evidence in Police Misconduct Cases, 25 Touro L. Rev. 857 (2009), was cited in, Thompkins v. Klobucher, No. 2:21-CV-00320-CRE, 2022 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 180314 (W.D. Pa. Oct. 3, 2022).

Thomas A. Schweitzer, Justice Scalia, Originalism, and Textualism, 33 Touro L. Rev. 749 (2017), was cited in, John Mills & Aliya Sternstein, New Originalism: Arizona's Founding Progressives on Extreme Punishment, 64 Ariz. L. Rev. 733 (2022).

Thomas A. Schweitzer, Academic Challenge Cases: Should Judicial Review Extend to Academic Evaluation of Students?, 41 Am. U. L. Rev. 267 (1992), was cited in, Barbara A. Lee, Judicial Deference to Academic Decisions: Evolution of A Controversial Doctrine, 47 J.C. & U.L. 93 (2022).

Gary Shaw, A Heretical View of Teaching: A Contrarian Looks at Teaching, The Carnegie Report, and Best Practices, 28 Touro L. Rev. 1239 (2012), was cited in, Yvonne M. Dutton & Margaret Ryznar, Law School Pedagogy Post-Pandemic: Harnessing the Benefits of Online Teaching, 70 J. Legal Educ. 252 (2021).

Marjorie A. Silver, Emotional Competence, Multicultural Lawyering and Race, 3 Fla. Coastal L.J. 219 (2002), was cited in, Anastasia M. Boles, Pivoting Under Pressure: Cultural Proficiency, Race, and Reforms, 2022 Utah L. Rev. 871 (2022).

Marjorie A. Silver, Supporting Attorneys' Personal Skills, 78 Rev. Jur. U.P.R. 147 (2009), was cited in, Kris Franklin & Paula J. Manning, How to Train Your Supervisor, 42 Pace L. Rev. 108 (2021).

Marjorie A. Silver, (Jeah Koh Peters & Dr. Sanford Portnoy), Stress, Burnout, Vicarious Trauma, and Other Emotional Realities in the Lawyer/Client Relationship, 19 Touro L. Rev. 847 (2004), was cited in, Leigh de la Reza et al., 47th Annual Advanced Family Law Course, Texas Bar CLE (2021).

Marjorie A. Silver (& Polly Botsford), Emotional Intelligence and Legal Education, 5 Psychol. Pub. Pol'y & L. 1173 (1999), was cited in, Jessica Lynn Wherry & Frances DeLaurentis, A Pathos-Infused Approach to Teaching Legal Research and Writing: A Lesson to Carry Forward from the Pandemic, 29 Persp.: Teaching Legal Res. & Writing 58 (Spring 2022).

Marjorie A. Silver, Emotional Competence, Multicultural Lawyering and Race, 3 Fla. Coastal L. J. 219 (2002), was cited in, Sarah Fishel, Kellie Wiltsie & David DeMatteo, Certainly Uncertain: Facilitating Law Student Professional Growth and Well-Being Through Supervision in Light of Covid-19, 70 J. Legal Educ. 331 (2021).

Dan Subotnik, Does Testing = Race Discrimination?: Ricci, the Bar Exam, the LSAT, and the Challenge to Learning, 8 U. Mass. L. Rev. 332 (2013), was cited in, Scott Devito, Kelsey Hample & Erin Lain, Examining the Bar Exam: An Empirical Analysis of Racial Bias in the Uniform Bar Examination, 55 U. Mich. J.L. Reform 597 (2022).

Dan Subotnik, Does Testing = Race Discrimination? Ricci, The Bar Exam, The LSAT, and the Challenge to Learning, 8 U. Mass. L. Rev 332 (2013), was cited in, Charles J. Russo, Reflections on Public Examination Schools: Is It Time to Minimize the Role of Entrance Tests in Admission to These Schools?, 49 Fordham Urb. L.J. 1165 (2022).

Dan Subotnik, was mentioned in, Martin A. Davis Jr., We Need a Healthy Debate about Critical Race Theory, Free Lance-Star (Sept. 13, 2022).

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